RESOLU: enlever le power by sur la librairir highslide.js
447 hit(s)](enregistré le 21/05/2014) Classement dans 'Informatique-programation'

Can I remove the "Powered by..." label?
Yes, this is perfectly legal for both commercial and non-commersial users. Set the hs.showCredits property to false in the header of your HTML page together with your other settings:


dans le script dans head ajouter hs.showCredits = false; 


dans c_page


< script type="text/javascript">hs.graphicsDir = '$root/highslide/graphics/';hs.showCredits = false; hs.wrapperClassName = 'wide-border';"; < /script>

hs.graphicsDir = 'highslide/graphics/'; hs.showCredits = false;